No teacher? No problem! Listen to songs, films and news with script, vocabulary and exercises to improve your listening and vocabulary. Get to know different accents of English. Improve your pronunciation with a range of videos and talk to other language learners online. Read manga, books and news online. Prepare for English tests. All FREE. All by yourself.

Improve your English Quickly

The only way to improve your English is to use it, so introduce more English into your DAILY LIFE:
  • Change the language of your Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and email accounts to English. 
  • Set English menus on your smart phone, camera and all your other gadgets. Use English apps. Play games in English.
  • Change or re-install programs on your computer in English. Google in English. Skype in English.
  • Use the ATM in English the next time you get some cash.
  • Watch films (movies) with original English soundtrack and listen to English radio channels like Live365 and SHOUTcast.
These small changes can make a big difference, and you can start RIGHT NOW.